Happy Tree Friends: Your Party and You.

Turner Rentz, III
6 min readApr 27, 2017

At some point, you’re going to meet the Happy Tree Friends.

Because that’s what history will record in 2017, when it turns to the subject of your political party. The Democratic and Republican parties are both dead.

The reason should become clear, as you read on. But for now, let’s deal with the death certificate you signed.

If you’re republican, you’ve got full control of the entire government, and you made damn sure you didn’t leave the decision about who to appoint to the supreme court to that fucktard. You got the Heritage Foundation to do that, they came up with Neil, and then you bent the rules to get him appointed.

But you can’t cover the smell of rotten decay. Sure, you can pretend you’re
(insert name here) republican, like (reagan) republican, (bush) republican, (trump) republican, but you’re watching something with a parasite within it, walking around, shitting itself. It’s getting uncomfortable.

But in the end, you signed off on the death certificate because you realized your party’s convention process has no room to allow a young Teddy Roosevelt, were he ever to be within our midst again — to lead the charge against evil monopoly and corporate malfeasance. To fight for the forgotten man or woman. Your party is a party for the elites, and so you lobbed a fragmentation grenade into Washington with your vote.

Your party is dead. You made sure, when you threw that grenade.

But what of the opposition party? The Democrats, who followed the friendly man from the corporation .. was his name, Mr. Lobbyist? … Remember how he asked you to go all the way into those dark woods….?

The Democratic Party is Dead.

It’s dead because the Democratic Party convention, in 1944 ..could not have Henry Wallace, who was elected — at convention — and used the super delegate super lobbyist super party boss strategy that brought us all the way to today, and Harry Truman too.

And now the Democrats are outnumbered in almost every state legislature, and have lost the congress, senate, and everywhere you see. Dead.

And good riddance. The story you will tell is that you were happy to get rid of them.

Why? Because it’s not right vs. left anymore. It’s open vs. closed and we’re in the most hostile administration yet. But some of you are happy about it. Ok, let’s see…. I’ll call Trump supporters — the Orange Dawn. They want a royal family. They want closed government. Smaller government. They want an open market on sacred cows and then they want to grill them under big sky with the natural gas grille, powered by drill it now.

They’re into closed government.

The second group, wants no royal family. A farewell to kings. The oligarchs unseated. A government whose benefits are not just for billionaires but for every man and woman. A health plan that the senators get, for you and I. They want the visitors logs of the White House on public display. They want the government to be run by Bernie Sanders, and they’re happy that he’ll leave at exactly 5:30 every day, and he’ll go home to his family. They are tired of whiny, spoiled billionaires meeting in all of those hotels that they thought they were safely meeting in , running those noise machines in the hallway , that they thought would cover up their sounds — and their endless mindfuck. They want open government.

Are you for open, or closed? Does it feel knives out to say this? For me, no. You want to club government on the head, and then shove its face underwater in the bathtub? Ok. I get it. You want to just stop the government in its tracks, before the bloat explodes it. Nothing unpatriotic about that at all, we can’t operate unless things make sense. Go for it.

You want to expand healthcare into the soviet socialist republicans of american compulsory pravda themed you-will-have-fun endless walt disney healthcare? Ok. I get it. You’re tired of the constant lie that pulling power away from government rescues it for the people … you know that whole thing just gives it over to big corporations and billionaires, and you’re just wanting to join the other 29 first world countries and have a health plan that doesn’t have to pay for 243 million dollars a year lobbying expenses , big CEO paychecks and a company that profits if you stay sick, like big pharma — or if you die — like big insurance. You don’t want to live in a country where you have to set up a gofundme page just so you don’t die.

But isn’t it really about open, versus closed, and not left vs. right? Doesn’t this explain the elections in France, the Brexit, and the underground movement in Russia that seeks to unseat Vladimir Putin.. All of whom were viciously murdered , except the top three who had black bags thrown over their head and have disappeared.

That’s why — if you’re pissed off at this current situation you’re not going to sit around and wait for a political party to come to your rescue. You’re not going to wait four years for your president to change hands, and then watch in appalling color as the new boss ends up just like the old boss.

You’re going to boycott everything Trump. Everywhere. You’re going to shut down a business empire. Because you have the power to do this. That power danced out of the hands of the political parties, and into yours — and until two new political parties arise — one that works for open , transparent government — and another that works for closed, smaller government — you’re going to do whatever you want.

So you’re going to call for action, you are going to boycott Donald John Trump and any and all of his family businesses. And watch how fast it works. You’re dealing with an incredibly moment in history — a moment when we can even throw away the tradition that we have to have a presidential election every four years — we can call for a special election, and we can call for a peaceful change of power.

Because this was the moment that they wondered about , two hundred years from now — when we all experienced the death of the political parties not only of America but all around the world —

And they wanted to believe it was just like an episode of Happy Tree Friends. There’s still time. The boycott would be a great start. Just pretend you’re living in the future, and you’re reading a newspaper headline of how the people won the war against the oligarchs. The go back, invest in the stock market, and make a million bucks and wear a sharkskin multicolor holo-hat and go ride a hoverboard.



Turner Rentz, III

I have a mad scientist's laugh, and I know how to use it.