Support Donald Trump. Now.

Turner Rentz, III
11 min readMay 15, 2017

Why would you want your president to fail? You’re out to uncover the truth, right? You want, change, right?

This isn’t about that group of people. The ones who that support blind. This is about you helping to uncover the truth. Don’t be like tThe Trump supporters and Trump Republicans. People like Karen Handel. Trump supporters and Trump Republicans have dissolved into soft tissue, strange small little liver splotches, and in the case of Karen Handel, quivering fatty tissue. Don’t blindly support this new Royal Family. I mean, it’s a wonderful family Donald Trump has not fathered. Didn’t his Russian wife do a good job? Wait. Which Trump wife was from America… The first?.. The second?.. The third…? Anyway, you get the point. Don’t be that guy.

However, given the fact that our democratic founding principles and our country are now being dissolved before our eyes in an all out attack, as former CIA Director James Clapper says, both from outside our national firewalls and , owing to the actions of Donald Trump — within — You can join a grassroots movement. You can make sure we’re a success. After all, if Trump wins, we win, right?

But it starts by joining the real grassroots movement to help change our country. Our Revolution. Not Trump supporter astroturf. And once you join, you can get right to work.

After all, let’s face it — America said “You’re Fired!” to Business As Usual. Trump’s ascension was always a full scale attack, the Tories knew they were throwing a fragmentation grenade into the White House. But it’s not so fun to get screwed on a deal, even if a piss freak is doing the screwing and promises endless golden showers, golden escalators, golden gold. Trump Republicans , today, are not unlike Trump University Students — standing next to a cardboard cutout of their hero-warrior-god-king against the deep state, taking a selfie, while they’re holding up flimsy executive orders that express little else other than executive branch over-reach, and little else. Trump’s gotten almost nothing done. And it doesn’t escape these Trump supporters, who are American, just like me and you — they’re beginning to wonder why a President has to run campaign ads for his re election in four years, and hold campaign events in the first month of his candidacy. They have, somewhere in the back of their mind — the slow, cold realization that they support a fraud. Hey. It happens. Seriously. NBC spent 10 years building a reality TV show brand around a failed businessman who went around putting his name on shit and pretending it’s going to increase the value of it all.

Someone I knew fell for one of those you-just-won-a-grant phone calls. She had actually just applied for a grant. Her natural sense of greed overtook her sense of reason. It happens. She had me counter hack the guy. Turns out, he was a Russian. A Russian, operating out of a skype setup in Germany, that was routed through Las Vegas, Nevada. I got her money back. I’m available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and special events. Warning: From time to time, even if I’m in your hot tub — I may bring up the fact that both the RNC and the DNC were hacked, but the RNC data was sucked up to be used as blackmail. Hey, it just goes with the territory. They’re still hacking us. Even today.

So when you show these Americans the destruction of our American principles, our founding principles of separation of powers and the chaos, the loss of our standing with our longstanding allies… you’ll see them slowly realize they’ve been standing their taking a selfie with Nero while their country is burning.

I’m a Bernie guy. I voted for Bernie Sanders. I happily call myself a Democratic Socialist. I understand what these people want. They wanted change. And now, they’re telling themselves this fraud that they’ve put in power — is just an inexperienced guy, there’s a learning curve. But deep down, they’re happy that they’re where the grass is greener. They won’t change their position on anything — they wanted damage.

You can support our country and our president by bringing sight to the blind. Trump supporters knew that when they cast their vote for a sexually abusive, severely mentally ill person — that they were signing their allegiance and undying loyalty to something other than the government of the United States, or its Constitution. But they didn’t think it would be some kind of awful creature of a foreign power — they thought they were not doing something absolutely deplorable. Let’s skip the ones who don’t care, most racists are just losers anyway. This is about the ones who pretend to be Republican because they want to pretend that they’ve got money that they don’t want to spend. The ones who care about how they look. Well, except Karen Love Handels. Someone should tell her to change out of her rubber stamp and into latex again.

These people will put country first, if they can see to a point where their great golden warrior against the deep state — is, like the King George of the past, shitting blue, and suffering from insanity — a grotesque fraud. It’s been a little over 100 days — the nausea you feel when you see the President of the United States of America — and the instinctive reaction to keep your daughter away from him so that she is not sexually abused — has, for many — progressed to dry heaves and hey, it’s taking the weight off. So they’re ready to listen. What these people want is evidence.

They want to believe their god-king, and they listen to him first — but most of them now have figured out that god-king Trump is in fact a desperately incompetent businessman. You would think that the six bankruptcies this ass-clown of a human being had filed before would have given them the hint — but 2005 was a great year, wasn’t it? Not 2009 when all the banks of the United States of America — after watching a whiny, spoiled narcissist steal 925 million dollars of their money — and decided to cut off loaning to Donald Trump. Hey, it was bound to happen. He lost the banks of New Jersey and New York just before that. But these people — the ones who will bear the scarlet letter — really love to pretend that all of that should be taken in stride — when their new god-king has so many new, successful, shiny businesses. They don’t quite understand that there are so many because he launders money. Or that there really isn’t any real business. That’s why there are so many of them. It’s all just someone sticking a name on a building — but hey, we’ll leave the branding to someone who won’t fire a compromise National Security Director until he makes him look bad in the press. Because Muslim Ban.

That’s why I wrote this essay: I wanted to gather together what we now know. It’s my hope that I can tell it like it is, and maybe help those out there who aren’t just cackling with glee at all the destruction. You know, people besides Mr. Piano-Hockey-My-Press-Gets-In-The-White-House-And-America-Does-Not Putin. The guy who heads up a private Army and sends people to your home to throw a black bag over your head and make you disappear. The guy who’s stolen 550 billion dollars from his own country. We won’t change that guy’s mind. He’s getting his money’s worth.

Let’s start with the basics. Is there evidence that Donald John Trump, is on the take from Russia? Yes. There’s hard evidence of that in the verbal statement that great Golf Author James Dodson offered recently in an Interview. Dodson — The Co Author of Arnold Palmer’s Definitive Biography, Author of “Final Rounds”, and “Ben Hogan- An American Life” — was invited to play golf with Eric and Donald Trump at a new club in Charlotte “Voting Rights” North Carolina —

In a recorded, public interview at WBUR , Dodson related that three years ago in 2014 -in a round with Donald Trump (who cheats at golf regularly), and Eric — as they teed off, a trait of good journalists and writers found expression within this writer — and curiosity got the better of him — he asked Donald John Trump how they’d gotten so much money to build these luxury places for the one percent. He told them he’s on the take from the Russians.

Dodson, curious as the round got underway —complimented Donald on the course, then asked Donald Trump the following question:

“ What are you using to pay for these courses?”

Donald Trump replied.

“I have access to 100 million dollars”.

James Dodson then got in the cart with Eric, and, ever the journalist — asked Eric .

“Who’s funding these courses? I know that the American banks are just not going to fund these things. Most of these luxury golf courses projects, they’re just dead in the water right now”.

Eric Trump replied..

“We don’t rely on American Banks. We get all the funding we need from Russia. We’ve got some guys there that really love Golf, and they love to invest in our projects. We just go there all the time”.

Recently, the law firm that represents Donald J. Trump and his black octopus of businesses released a statement claiming that no money was coming from the Russian government. The letter was certified. You have to pay an additional 2.95 for that.

The black octopus feeds off Dark Money.

US Attorney Preet Bharara is one the nation’s most aggressive and outspoken prosecutors of public corruption and Wall Street crime. He was s an assistant United States Attorney in Manhattan for five years, bringing criminal cases against the bosses of the Gambino crime family, Colombo crime family, and Asian gangs in New York City. The Southern District of New York is a special place for US Attorneys. This is where the well accomplished, successful litigators more or less pro bono serve to clean up the markets. It attracts the best and brightest, a district that includes Wall Street, Manhattan, and the Financial Downtown of New York. Because of its unique role, American Tradition is to tell these US Attorneys if they can stay , or go — right at the beginning of an administration. In general, most of these attorneys are traditionally allowed to state. Preet Bharara was told he could stay.

And then, suddenly —like the American Hero Sally Yates, or the late, great, FBI Director James Comey — he’s fired and the White House tries to tell everyone he resigned. He didn’t take it lying down. The billionaire-class arrogant financial elite stealth they could find was nuke 45 other US Attorneys while they “accepted the resignations” of 45 others — and then told the faithful, as they knelt on bended knee — that it was all part of a house cleaning. Fuckin’ Obama.

But. The second jigsaw piece falls into place. Bharara uncovered evidence of a Russian money laundering operation running out of Trump tower.

And now the third piece of the puzzle, brought to you by the Wall Street Journal — The Pre-eminent Dark Money Investigators — US Department of Treasure , Financial Crimes Enforcement Network , FinCEN , was subpoena’d by the failing Senate Investigation to provide Trump Linked Records. Not significant that the US Senate asked for them — after all, they — like the House and FBI Investigations are desperate to cover up the fact that the Republicans are actively shutting down any real investigation and they’re only going through the motions — but the subpoena means that there are actual records.

The last horrific time — that Donald Trump was caught in a fraud — unlike Clinton, who carefully executed selected deletes of her email, preserving all records of all transactions and deleting only personal information — Trumpe ordered all of his company’s email servers and records wiped while under direct subpoena. This means valuable information can just go suddenly missing. But fortunately there’s years of back records and financial dealings that can’t be hidden. Millions are being spent by the Trump team, just like Putin and his private army — to destroy any trace of connection. They won’t succeed. These fragments I have given you are just a start. Find some on your own, and let’s piece the puzzle together.

Join Our Revolution. We Bernie Sanders people are really just like you Trump people — we’re new to this, and we’re trying to change things. Support Donald Trump. Dig through anything you can find, to help him clear his name. Find any transactions you have, invoices, and keep track of how they were paid. … Find memos, travel records. Everything. Support Donald Trump by helping him to collect up his missing data. Let’s help him silence his critics once and for all by publishing his full tax returns. Get everything you know out into the open.

Anyone can work with Our Country’s Central Intelligence Agency, and FinCEN, the U.S. Financial Intelligence Unit — simply click here and upload any and all information you have on the business dealings of our current President. Who knows, if we can get closer to the truth, maybe we’ll finally find out if this whole thing was really Mr. Smith goes to Washington and not just the Manchurian Candidate.

The country is hurtling towards autocracy and dictatorship and in the new police state — you want to look good , right? If you say you’re a Trump supporter — they’re all so stupid, they won’t know the difference. And you can stand with Trump republicans who do nothing but kneel before their god-emperor. They won’t ask you any questions.

But if somehow you are accurate, simple and helpful — and the data you can share can save our country in the process then you’ll have freed us from the clutches of a grotesque human being.



Turner Rentz, III

I have a mad scientist's laugh, and I know how to use it.